NAVsuite version |
rtbns version recommended |
xbns version recommended |
Features added |
Bugs fixed |
3.4.2112.09 |
201010q1 |
210816x2/210816x1 |
NAVconfig - GL#66 - External NTRIP commands corrected for xNAV650.
3.3.2110.26 |
201010q1 |
210816x2/210816x1 |
Support for RT1003 v2, Launchpad v4, OEM1000v2 and Pinpoint v2 and v3.
NAVconfig - Ability to configure PTP options for mobile.cfg file.
NAVsolve - Improved RINEX handling.
NAVdisplay BETA - automatically connect to the last connection on start-up.
NAVdisplay BETA - be able to apply conditional attributes to individual items in a measurement list.
NAVdisplay BETA - Codec selection when recording data on Quick Record.
NAVconfig - GL#33 - CAN output locked on 1003 for defaults.
NAVconfig - GL#46 - Extended CAN identifiers are being displayed incorrectly.
NAVconfig - GL#59 - xNAV650 serial commands incorrect.
NAVgraph - GL#7 - Add support for Array based measurements e.g. multi-sensor points measurements.
NAVsolve - GL#32 - Export start/stop times both set as 00:00
NAVdisplay BETA - UI improvements.
3.2.2104.27 |
201010q1 |
201201x2/201201x1 |
NAVsolve - GL#39 - On Windows 10 machines which have the 20H2 Feature Update installed, Autodownloader no longer functions and either downloads 2KB files (with missing header information) or 0KB files.
NAVsuite - DevId and file versions not updated for the applications.
3.2.2103.12 |
201010q1 |
201201x2/201201x1 |
Added support for xNAV650.
Support for PTP.
NAVconfig GL#40 - Input for Gateway IP address added for RT1003/xNAVs with internal NTRIP client.
NAVsetup - GL#4 - Installing NAVsuite on non-domain systems causes error in installer
NAVsetup - GL#5 - .NET Core 32-bit not installed on 64-bit OS.
NAVsolve - GL#13 - Modifying configuration of Survey+ v3 in NAVsolve leads to product mismatch error.
NAVsolve - GL#33 - New Zealand (GEONET) base stations not accessible.
NAVsolve - GL#34 - CORS base stations not accessible.
3.0.2010.21 |
201010q1 |
200928x2/200306x1 |
NAVsdk #4 - Added support for 12-pole phaseless Butterworth filter.
NAVsolve - 12-pole phaseless Butterworth filter added.
NAVsolve #3 - Header information of RINEX file can be viewed.
NAVsolve #4 - Ephemerides can be automatically dowloaded if they are missing.
NAVsolve #7 - 'Seconds of the week' option added to Time export options.
NAVsolve #11 - RINEX AutoDownloader database updated.
NAVconfig #2 - Added PCOM version as a configuration option.
NAVconfig #4 - Global Coordinate System is configurable on RT devices.
NAVconfig - GL#5 - Output lock option made available for Survey+ v3 products.
NAVconfig - GL#8 - CAN ID offset being configured and read back correctly.
NAVsdk - GL#3 - GLONASS signals appearing as GPS signals.
NAVsdk - GL#9 - Support for 250 Hz Butterworth filters.
NAVbase - GL#2 - Update RTCMv3 messages sent when the 'Limited output correction messages' option is ticked.
NAVsolve - GL#16 - RINEX files with greater than 9 types of observation do not get parsed.
2.8.2003.13 |
191217q1 |
200306x2/200306x1 |
NAVconfig - Reset button for measurement tolerances.
NAVdisplay - Improved start up time of plugins.
NAVsdk - Added new WiFi NCOM measurements.
NAVsdk - Add Enum for NTRIP status.
NAVstart - Option to close NAVstart on application selection.
NAVconfig - Survey+v3 serial 1 and Aux outputs in config not read back correctly.
NAVconfig - LiDAR serial 1 output not correctly configuring NMEA.
NAVconfig - Reduced initialization time for the software.
NAVconfig - Support for xOEM550 product.
NAVconfig - Support for RT3000 v3 products without WiFi.
Plugins - Test & Save some data starts with default values until packet arrives.
NAVsdk - Add relative orientation measurements to RCOM decoder.
2.7.1912.04 |
190225q0 |
190813x2/190708x1 |
NAVconfig - Embedded NTRIP client for xNAVv3 and Survey+ v3.
NAVconfig - support for CAN-FD with next generation RT products.
NAVconfig - Issues when converting between v2 configs and v3 confgis caused by the WiFi configuration.
NAVconfig - Able to enter special characters for the NTRIP mountpoint passwords.
NAVconfig - DBC file contains commas instead of periods when using international settings.
NAVconfig - NAVconfig doesn't control ABD steering robot on RT3003v2.
Plugins - Test & Save instability when connection to streams lost.
Plugins - Test & Save stream selection can overwrite the chosen path with previous path.
Plugins - Test & Save export CAN measurements to csv.
Plugins - Test & Save Start/Stop trigger on start line.
NAVsolve - CSV export time gap not consistent.
NAVgraph - Clicking 'Cancel' on 'Loading Processed Data' causes software to crash.
2.6.1908.30 |
190225q0 |
190813x2/190324x1 |
NAVsuite - Support for the next generation of RT products.
NAVsuite - NAVconfig Beta has replaced the previous NAVconfig.
NAVconfig - support for configuring the embedded NTRIP client.
NAVconfig - support for CAN-FD with next generation RT products.
NAVconfig - support for configuring the embedded WiFi adapter on next generation RT products.
NAVconfig - gx/ix and receiver mixed mode added.
NAVsolve - support for LiDAR survey. |
None |
2.5.1903.26 |
190225q0 |
190324x1 |
Blended - Correctly handles the GPS week rollover issue for xNAV550 and RT1003. |
None |
2.4.1902.11 |
190225q0 |
180606x1 |
NAVsolve - New batch RD file processing.
NAVsolve - New RINEX downloader.
NAVsuite - RT Post-Process removed from installer.
Plugins - New indoor navigation plugin and template.
NAVconfig Beta - Support for new CAN message: AngleGrad.
NAVbase - Support for RTCMv3.2 for RT-Base S and GPS-Base.
NAVbase - New option to change baud settings of the radio connection. |
Plugins - Quick Config crashes when setting the origin for loacl co-ordinates
Plugins - Loading tests resizes form.
NAVconfig Beta - Allows RTCA and gx/ix to be setup together.
NAVsolve - Exporting hangs on certain files. |
2.2.1808.01 |
180716q0 |
180606x1 |
NAVsuite - NAVstart introduced
NAVsuite - New NAVconfig Beta
NAVsuite - Enginuity removed from installer
NAVconfig - RTCMv3 the default differential correction type
NAVconfig - Support for new GNSS cards (OEM7).
NAVdisplay - NAVassist plugin added.
NAVdisplay - Support for RT1003MS
NAVdisplay - Support for new GNSS cards (OEM7)
NAVsolve - Support for RT1003MS
NAVsolve - Support for new GNSS cards (OEM7) |
NAVconfig - Velodyne logging disabled when config read from unit.
NAVconfig - Doppler window value incorrect for Terrastar beam frequency command.
NAVdisplay - Error due to ',' decimal use in other languages.
NAVdisplay - Certain measurements not displayed correctly in Digital Widgets.
NAVdisplay - Range measurements do not appear correctly in measurement configuration.
NAVdisplay - Cannot set trigger conditions in Test and Save.
Plugins - CAN measurements not available for csv output in Test and Save.
Plugins - Logging condition is not always set correctly.
NAVgraph - Time to collision format is not correct.
RT-PostProcess - Auto trigger output file same for start on Rise or Fall. |
2.1.1806.06 |
170802q0 |
180604x1 |
Emergency Release
Fix for Topcon time logging issue on B110 cards (firmware 4.7.8) |
None |
180129 |
170802q0 |
170905x1 |
NAVsuite - Installer and suite to include Major.Minor. prefix
NAVconfig - AB Dynamics: Pinpoint and LaunchPad added to product selection
NAVdisplay - Stream assignment tool bar
NAVdisplay - Greatly improved measurement widget creation
NAVdisplay - Now built with NAVlib
NAVbase - Now built with NAVlib
NAVsolve - New application to the NAVsuite and will replace RT Post-Process
NAVsolve - Provides functionality to inspect and analyse raw data
NAVsolve - Provides intergrated map overlays for both raw and processed data
NAVsolve - Now built with NAVlib
NAVsolve - Intergrates blended processing into the UI
NAVsolve - Provides a more fluid and friendly interface compared to RT Post-Process
NAVsolve - Developed with latest technologies taking advantage of high DPU settings |
NAVsuite - Open rd file as different user tries to run installer
Plugins - Device status feature codes information does not appear
Plugins - Test and save error for internationalistion data format
Plugins - Quick config Surface Tilt UI crash |
170829 |
170802q0 |
170905x1 |
NAVgraph - Support of CAN acquisition in the RT1003. |
Plugins - CAN measurements outputs to only 1dp in Test and Save.
Plugins - Time output in CSV only to second precision.
NAVgraph - Some of the CAN messages are not diplayed.
NAVgraph - Can not set m/s unit for the velocity measurement.
NAVgraph - Time displayed incorrectly on the cursor table.
NAVgraph - Time format not available in NAVgraph cursor table. |
170330 |
170802q0 |
170905x1 |
NAVbase - Satel duty cycle limitation.
NAVconfig - Support for RT1003. [RT1003]
NAVdisplay - Support for RT1003. [RT1003]
NAVdisplay - Templates launch bar and image preview.
NAVdisplay - Support for RT Base S BCOM format measurement and template.
NAVdisplay - Plotting of NCOM/MCOM measurements even with navigation time not available.
NAVgraph - Support for RT1003. [RT1003]
RT Post Process - Support for RT1003. [RT1003] |
NAVsetup not installing applications correctly on Windows 8.
NAVbase - Position manager values are incorrect when "," is used to separate decimals instead of ".".
NAVbase - GLONASS ephemeris not logged, RINEX g file not created.
NAVdisplay - Loading templates fails after losing and resuming network connection.
NAVdisplay - Cone Placement plugin initialisation issue.
NAVdisplay - Feature codes table update issue.
NAVdisplay - Test and Save crashes if interpolation is chosen with CAN stream.
NAVgraph - NAVgraph crashes when adding Roll measurements.
RT Post Process - Trigger output and UI issue.
RT Post Process - Extracting config files causes the corruption of dbc file. |
160523 |
160407q4 |
160407x1 |
None |
NAVconfig - Acceleration filter not shown in Option page. |
160505 |
160407q4 |
160407x1 |
NAVconfig - Support for TERRA-STAR C.
NAVdisplay - Test and Save plugin ability to interpolate data for CSV export.
NAVdisplay - Start-up hint for the user.
NAVdisplay - Template file association allows to launch of NAVdisplay by clicking on the template file.
NAVdisplay - Support for TERRA-STAR C.
NAVdisplay - Support for the LEA8-M8T receivers. [RT2500,Inertial+,xNAV200,xNAV500]
NAVgraph - Support for TERRA-STAR C.
NAVgraph - Support for the LEA8-M8T receivers. [RT2500,Inertial+,xNAV200,xNAV500]
RT Post Process - Support for TERRA-STAR C. |
None |
160124 |
160104q4 |
160104x1 |
NAVbase - First release.
NAVconfig - Output on trigger 2 edge configuration.
NAVconfig - SBAS corrections option. [xNAV200,xNAV500]
NAVconfig - Network DGPS option. [xNAV500,xNAV550]
NAVdisplay - Test and Save plugin enhanced with configurable start/stop conditions and custimized report generation.
NAVdisplay - Support for offline template configuration.
NAVdisplay - Support for ISO8855 (DIN70000) measurements.
NAVgraph - Ability to copy values out of the cursor table.
NAVgraph - Support for ISO8855 (DIN70000) measurements.
RT Post Process - Support for trigger 2 output to CSV.
RT Post Process - Support for KP file use in post-processing. |
Enginuity - Test and Save does not allow to select 250Hz extended range output. [RT2502X]
Enginuity - Test and Save Start/Stop button not visible.
NAVbase - Windows 10 usb driver for GPS-Base. |
150730 |
150708q4 |
150728x1 |
NAVconfig - Configurable IMU rate. [xNAV200,xNAV250,xNAV500,xNAV550]
NAVconfig - Ability to enable the use of external heading for supported receivers. [Inertial+]
NAVconfig - Ability to set a device as a network corrections transmitter/receiver.
NAVconfig - Functionality to specify a post/pre fix suffix to CAN navigation and status messages and provide identifier offset.
NAVdisplay - Allow distance zeroing from the Command button plugin.
NAVdisplay - New templates.
NAVgraph - KML export at user specified rate. Includes altitude and extrude options.
NAVgraph - 200Hz export option. |
NAVconfig - CAN message configuration tab order.
NAVconfig - Serial rate configured/displayed incorrectly.
NAVconfig - Differential options incorrect. [xNAV250]
NAVconfig - SBAS settings not getting written to mobile.cfg. [xNAV250]
NAVconfig - Not possible to read configuration from the unit. [xNAV250]
NAVdisplay - Feature code table upload.
NAVdisplay - RT-Range streams visible in NAVconnect.
NAVdisplay - Cone placement feature.
NAVgraph - Additional slip points. |
150316 |
150310q4 |
150305x1 |
NAVconfig - Vertical Advanced Slip feature to improve drift performance in poor GNSS conditions.
NAVconfig - Coordinate frame Datum changes supported for ETRS89, WGS84, ITRF2008 and NAD83, plus altitude reference for Geoid (custom).
NAVdisplay - First release.
NAVgraph - Support for setting the CSV export data rate.
NAVgraph - Support for plotting photogrammetric measurements. |
NAVconfig - CAN identifiers update.
NAVdisplay - CAN stream not being logged.
NAVdisplay - Crash when adding CAN to graph.
NAVgraph - Multiple XCOM files with CAN measurements are not displayed on graph.
NAVgraph - NAVgraph not outputting to CSV file at 250Hz. |
140804 |
140728q3 |
140616x1 |
None |
RT Post Process - OEM4 GPS Week calculation. |
140710 |
140623q3 |
140616x1 |
Enginuity - Support for Novatel OEM6 receivers. [RT2000,RT3000,RT4000,Survey+]
NAVconfig - Support for OEM638 and TopCon B110 GPS external receivers. [Inertial+]
NAVconfig - Support for the SDCM (Russia) and GAGAN (India) regions in SBAS Options.
NAVconfig - DGNSS service added in Options.
NAVgraph - Support multiple binary files export to single XCOM file.
NAVgraph - Support multiple sources files data into one single CSV file.
NAVgraph - Display base station RINEX files used for post processing data.
RT Post Process - Support for Novatel OEM6 receivers. [RT2000,RT3000,RT4000,Survey+]
RT Post Process - Support for multiple RINEX base station files.
RT Post Process - Outputs triggers & events in combined post-processing. |
Enginuity - Test And Save not saving camera trigger packets.
NAVconfig - Stop working when a dbc file with illegal identifiers is used.
RT Post Process - Multiple RINEX base station processing issues. |
140417 |
131019q3 |
N/A |
None |
NAVconfig - Saved setting lost when loaded from mobile.cfg. [Inertial+] |
131203 |
131019q3 |
N/A |
NAVconfig - New NMEA messages.
NAVconfig - Serial outputs for MCOM/TSS1/TSSHHRP/Simrad EM1000 and Simrad EM3000.
NAVgraph - Support for NCOM, MCOM, RCOM and XCOM (including CAN data) files.
NAVgraph - Displays and plots CAN signals. |
Enginuity - XCOM packet data not shown.
RT Post Process - RT Post Process does not output XCOM file. |